Ovarian cancer is the most common cause of death of all gynecologic cancers. Types of cancer are difficult to treat early because the early stages usually occur almost without symptoms. Yet there are some symptoms that need to be suspected of ovarian cancer.
In the early stages, the symptoms that arise in the form ganguan menstruation. But unlike cervical cancer can be detected with a pap smear method, then there is no way to detect ovarian cancer.
Until now, not known for certain causes of ovarian cancer. However, the factors of excessive drug use may trigger suspicion of ovarian cancer.
In addition, the use of fertility drugs in the long term is also thought to be
increase the risk of the disease. Genetic factors may also be a reference because as much as 10 percent of sufferers have a family who were also suffering from ovarian cancer.
Now, a study in the United States (U.S.) linking obesity with an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer.
The study involved more than 94,000 women aged 51 to 71 years, who were followed for more than seven years. The results of the study, as quoted by Reuters, showed that women who are obese have a higher chance for ovarian cancer.
Risk was increased among women who never make hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause. Previously conducted studies linking hormone used to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
Among women who never did HRT, those who are overweight have a risk of 83 percent higher ovairum cancer than women with normal weight.
The discovery, reported in the journal Cancer also shows that obesity is a risk factor for ovarian cancer that can be controlled.
According to the principal investigator in the study, Dr. Michael L Leitzman of the National Cancer Institute United States (U.S.) in Bethesda, Maryland and the University of Regensburg in Germany, results. study provides one more reason for women to avoid weight gain is not healthy.
"Our data indicate that maintaining a healthy weight associated with a reduced risk of ovarian cancer development," Leitzmann said.
Not clear why obesity has contributed to ovarian cancer, but maybe it's related to the effects of excess body fat to levels of estrogen in the body of a woman, says Leitzmann and its partners.

The fact that the risk of ovarian cancer is dependent on the use of HRT to support this theory.
The study also found a link between obesity at age 18 years and an increased risk of ovarian cancer in older age? - An association was even stronger than the link between obesity at age further and ovarian cancer.
Weight in adolescence may be more relevant to ovarian cancer than weight at age further.
Other studies will be undertaken by scientists at the U.S. also showed that women who are obese are more susceptible to malignant ovarian cancer.
Obesity is increasing the risk of developing some types of cancer, but research revealed that fat tissue affects tumor development.
According to research published in the journal Cancer, the fat cells produce hormones or proteins to make developing ovarian cancer more rapidly.
Lead researcher Dr Andrew Li said the research involving 216 women suffering from epithelial ovarian cancer, ovarian cancers are most common, or about 90 percent of all cases.
The study compared 35 women who are obese with the 108 women who had normal weight to see significant differences in the appearance of cancer.
Apparently, obesity affects the body's resistance. Those who are obese, cancer cells can arise again after the treatment and the risk of death.

Frequent urination occurs when the tumor is pressing if the rectum or bladder. Can also occur emphasis on stretching or pelvic area causing pain.
Site Dharmais Cancer hospital at an advanced stage mentioned symptoms associated with ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) spread to the omentum (abdominal fat) and organs in the abdominal cavity, such as the intestine and liver. Symptoms appear, such as stomach bulge, bloating, nausea, appetite disorders, irritable bowel and urination.
If you find these symptoms, the patient should immediately see a doctor for further tests to detect ovarian cysts or enlargement.
Examination is recommended in women with high risk factors, namely women who had early first menstruation and late menopause, never or difficulty conceiving, a history of ovarian cancer in families, and women with breast cancer and colon cancer.
Ovarian cancer patients reported in Indonesia continues to increase every year.
Ovarian cancer would be much easier to heal if its existence is known in the early stages of growth.
Source: Kompas.com
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