Sunday, September 30, 2012

ice water can make your stomach distended

0 comments -According to Dr. Slamet Iman Santoso R Soetomo, experts in the disease, basically anyone could have anything to drink boiled water, such as bottled water, hot tea, cold water or using ice cubes.

People will become resistant to temperature stimuli as above when as a baby, child, young adult, mature and approaching old age are taught constantly. In principle, people would be healthier if all eaten or drunk something close to body temperature.  

Thus, your entire digestive system is not too much trouble to adjust to the temperature of the food intake.Of course, people should drink cold water because the body must be able to adjust their intake, but the organ in the body so a little extra work. Drinking cold water is generally okay, but there are weaknesses that is relative. For example, there are germs that can live at low temperatures (at high temperatures the bacteria had been turned off). 
In addition, at cold temperatures, the nerves around the mouth, throat, upper stomach to be suddenly aroused. Surrounding mucous membranes were also stimulated (shrinking), though very little. Enzymes and gastric fluids will react quickly to such cold temperatures. 
You can feel when the weather was very hot, our body will feel hot and sweaty. If you drink water with ice cubes, will feel cramps or stomach cramps. Drinking ice will change the rhythm or the working procedures of instrument in the body, especially the abdomen. Indirect effects of reaction is the emergence of a little gas in the abdomen that can make potbelly as you read.
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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Eating Cheese To Stay Thin

0 comments - If during the time we avoid dairy products since the middle of the daily menu on a diet, there is good news. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition announced, as one of the cheese dairy products, it can help us reduce the number of pounds of our body weights.The Journal explained, women who ate 100 grams of cheese a day, turned out to shrink the weight faster than those who do not eat at all. Therefore, the content of linoleic acid which is present in fatty cheese into "fuel" perfect for our body metabolism. To remember is, the size is safe to consume 100 grams per day or for the thumb us.In order for the consumption of cheese is not boring, try the following menu is perfect sprinkled with cheese as a flavor enhancer.Meat goat cheese dusted. This menu will make us 100 grams of cheese contains 76 calories, 6 grams fat and 5 grams of protein. Bonus: a combination of goat cheese and can strengthen our immune system.A sprinkling of parmesan in the vegetable. Excess parmesan is rich in calcium. With a rate of 100 grams, the same amount of calcium in a glass of milk plus 10 grams of protein. And do not forget vegetables or salad garnished with Parmesan us.Ricotta, pasta falsifies. Italian cheese is a popular person is per 100 grams of it contains 40 calories. Often, these cheeses made complementary flavor to the pasta and to complement its benefits, add fruit, berries while enjoying pasta that do not forgotten the needs of our fiber.Melt mozzarella in omelets. For a nutritious breakfast, do not forget to enter the mozzarella omelet for us. This will contribute as much as 22 percent of our total requirement of calcium per day. This breakfast menu also contains 85 calories and 6 grams of fat
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Spicy Food Can Burn Fat

0 comments - Many people felt heartburn after eating spicy food, and generally consider this to be commonplace. They do not even presume anything about this condition.In fact, the researchers said that burning sensation caused by spicy foods reality can oxidize the layer of fat and increase metabolism. Thus, eating chilies can lose weight in a way to speed metabolism and burn fat.You are not so resistant spicy can also take advantage of the pepper, without the need to feel the rest of the sting on the tongue after eating. Capsaicin, the bio active compounds contained in the chili, it was also found in a variety of foods that are not spicy.Researchers from the University of California have studied the effect of chili on this diet, having impressed with the way the vegetables that make people who eat spicy sweat. They then recruit 34 men and women, and provide low-calorie diet which is equipped with a type of pepper is not spicy, or placebo pills (commonly used in clinical trials to measure the actual effects of medicines or supplements).From these experiments, the researchers found that levels of energy expenditure by those who consumed the highest amount of capsaicin, almost double those given placebo pills.
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