According to the Kamasutra best position for fat people do is position modification ML Yab-Yum, the position of women in top place in the formation such as scissors with penetration from the side.
This position is likely to produce many variations, if assisted pillows and comfortable.
Side penetration is somewhat unique because women are not too attached to the body of the couple. This way to avoid fighting over the belly to compete. With stacks of each other without the stomach, then the open space to more actively engaged in efforts to find and stimulate the G-Spot spot.
For maximum results, recommended that women partners hold the mirror. Through the mirror, the couple can enjoy the ML expressions, which must be guaranteed by ML seasonings.
Modifications Yab-Yum style of the other is the man in a position to sit and stretch legs. As for the women, with the help of pillows, sitting in his lap.
As a variation, she leaned back against the wall so that they can penetrate deeper and stable. The position of women in the overlapped without abdomen is a good position to stimulate the G-spot.
If you both agree, from the ceiling can extended soft rope, so that women who are in top positions can hold the rope and swinging. It's like Tarzan. But if practiced, it can be a recipe for pleasure ML
women with curve are hotter then the skinny one..