The increase above normal values could be in line with the increased incidence of various metabolic diseases. For example, diabetes and cholesterol, high blood pressure (hypertension), and vascular disorders such as stroke and coronary heart disease.
Since the age of 20 years (end adolesensi), metabolism was to be built (anabolism) began to change gradually become horizontal metabolism, slowing, and eventually dismantle (catabolism) when entering old age. Overhaul metabolism causes a decrease in muscle and bone mass and increased body fat, especially around the heart like organs, intestines, kidneys, and stomach under the skin. Accumulation of fat under the skin that causes stomach belly bulge.
Metabolism (chemical reactions in the body to utilize the nutritional elements for the formation of energy and various other purposes) have started slowing down at age above 40 years. At that moment the muscles and organs begin to shrink. Also the body needs fewer calories than before. If a teenager in a growth period can be devoured two plates of rice and dozens of skewers, the slowdown in metabolism during these people may only eat one plate of rice and some skewers. Obesity occurs when the same diet like in adolescence, but physical activity has far as the metabolism slows down.
When on a diet and exercise, weight loss is often not turn. Wow, why? In a diet with exercise, abdominal circumference shrink will actually occur earlier than the decrease of body weight. As a result of sports - particularly the burden is both heavy (weight) and velocity (speed) - muscle mass are often share increased. That way, even though the weight loss program that has reduced the amount of body fat, body weight may stay the same or even rise because of increased muscle mass. A more appropriate sign of shrink abdominal circumference, marked with the loose clothes in the abdomen.
Eat intelligently
There was a general assumption, if we include more calories from food than the calories used by the body, more fat or lard are piled up. Unfortunately, lard often collects in the abdomen. The question is, what foods provide lots of calories and cause the accumulation lard?
Some experts argue, fat or oil is a food ingredient that provides the most calories. The reason is, first, 1 g fat will contribute 9 kaloni (compared with protein and carbohydrates that provide only 4 calories / g). Second, it uses fat become fewer calories in the process of metabolism. Protein necessary for the metabolism of calories approximately 23% of total calories produced, for the carbohydrates needed around 6 - 7%, but for the metabolism of fat need only 2 -3%. Because the resulting calories higher and less metabolic energy is needed, then the fat is considered as an element of food that must be reduced if we are to go on a diet!
To reduce a lot of foods containing fat, get used to doing several things at dinner. First, make it a habit to drink a glass of water before eating. Dr. Blackburn from Harvand Medical School states, "The feeling hungry often a manifestation of the thirst. If we get used to drinking water at the time seemed like snacks outside mealtimes, then that desire will be reduced."
If you like fruit juice, you can replace the white water with low-calorie fruit blend for the fiber part consumed. Choose fruit or low calorie vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. Juice fruits or vegetables can be taken to eliminate the feeling of wanting to snack, or drink before dinner. In addition, solubel fiber (soluble) in juicer will reduce the absorption of fat and food in the gut.
When selecting a plate to eat, try taking a flat plate (plate), and not a concave plate (disc). Take the first vegetables to meet the plate, then rice, and the last side meat. If you want to add, only vegetables that you can take. Do not forget, always eat at the table and do not eat at any place let alone while watching TV. Because, the more fun the more TV shows or snack foods that you spend!
In addition to providing opportunities for out food, a habit to walk after eating will help to spend some calories from food. Every 25 steps you walk, the calories will be used. Especially if you climb the stairs. Of course, all this must be done with ease because your stomach has just filled.
Continue to exercise what?
Proper exercise to help weight loss is a combination of weight training and aerobics. Once a week weight training and aerobic exercise 3 - 5 times a week not only help you lose weight, but also will maintain the weight that has been reached.
Strength training can be done using a dumbbell or equipment in the centers of physical fitness.
For weight training instructor may be necessary to avoid excessive increase in muscle mass that makes weight increased rapidly. Aerobic exercise can be done alone. Able to swim slowly, jogging, cycling, jogging or brisk walking, and aerobics. Characteristic form of aerobic exercise sweat without feeling short of breath, fatigue, and drowsiness after exercise. In contrast, aerobic exercise should make your body feel more refreshed, not hungry, and not sleepy.
Stomach reduction should not be done with excessive weight. Sit-ups can be a sport because you have to load up two-thirds of the body! If you want to reduce the burden, may use special equipment that can prevent back pain from sit-ups. Often they are trying to shrink the stomach with sit-ups without getting braces growing belly although it's not really stomach bulge but more muscular and tight.
To minimize the stomach, mild pelvic movements but would be more effective long. Exercise can be done with tools such as for the game disc for hullahoop or pelvic motion exercises. This movement may be likened to the movement or the belly dancer hula has a relatively small stomach.
The same thing applies to the reduction in the thigh or leg. If using a heavy burden, maybe your thighs and legs bigger and muscular. Stripping you can mimic the movement in the village of cyclists who pedaled slowly but in long time. That cyclists generally have thighs and legs are more slender than a rickshaw driver.
Behavior change
Changes in behavior is actually the first thing that must be sought in streamlining the body and shrink the stomach. In addition to healthy behaviors in the diet and exercise, some behavior must also be ingrained in us so that the implementation be done spontaneously and automatically.
Specifically for women, which is also worth noting is the behavior of shopping and cooking. Better, do not shop while hungry. Make a list of groceries as needed. If you want to shop for food, go past the fruit and vegetable outlets. Instant food outlets should be your most recent visit when really need it.
Especially for factory-made food, read and watch the nutrition information on packaging labels. Low-fat foods generally contain less and 5 g of fat or oil per serving (serving size). Do not buy sweet snacks such as cakes, cookies, candies, and chocolate to put on the table. Replace it with fruit.
Fry the meat or fish with lots of oil will cause the two losses. First, the amount of oil which will absorb excess, especially if the food is wrapped in flour. Second, frying meat, poultry, fish, and eggs with high heating and the oil used can change unsaturated oils become saturated and produce a carcinogenic nitrosamines (cancer causing).
Healthy behaviors can be found in the form of exercise, which means can be deman everyday activities at home and at work. Activities such as washing cars, gardening, cleaning floors, washing dishes can be done as part of an exercise carried out as long as happy and relaxed. The activities will result in a forced stress triggers adrenaline expenses.
What is important, ask yourself whether you have feelings of anxiety, depression, or excessive stress. All of these things can make you overeat even when not needed. Make a deal, you may need to consult a psychologist before you start a diet and exercise. What matters, carry out all these programs with ease and do not dwell on the outcome. Weight will gradually give more permanent results than the drastic decline. (Dr. Andry Hartono and, in Yogyakarta)
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