Sunday, March 7, 2010

Losing Weight By Sleeping

What I wanted to write this time you may be hard to believe, including for those who have a background in the health field. Yep, you can lose weight while you sleep. Believe it or not all up to you. :)

The experts in the field of medicine since ancient times believed that some of the hormones start working when you sleep. Two of them are leptin and ghrelin. Both these hormones are responsible for appetite generate. Have you ever felt a loss of appetite after you stayed up late the night before? Both these hormones are the culprit.

Ghrelin stimulates your appetite, making you feel hungry, while on duty leptin signal to the brain when your stomach full. Thus, only makes you feel hungry while others make you feel full.

So how are relations between the two hormones? Sleep deprivation lowers the levels of leptin that makes you not feel full even though you have enough to eat. Inadequate sleep also causes ghrelin levels to increase so that your appetite is stimulated it will cause you to always feel hungry and this is certainly not good for weight-loss program. In conclusion, if you lack sleep so indirectly your weight will increase.

Several studies have shown similar results in people who are not sleeping properly, the leptin levels will decrease while the levels of ghrelin to rise. This person's appetite increased significantly. His interest in carbohydrate and high calorie foods has increased nearly 45%.

So, if you are currently undergoing a weight-loss program, but you set the consumption of diet and exercise, you also need to get enough sleep. Eight to nine hours a day is enough.

Sleep not only restore your body but also help you lose weight, muscle formation, tissue repair and improve stamina.

So if you are already tired of reading my writing this, please ... .. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sleep.
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