Friday, November 9, 2012

Lettuce: Protect Lungs, Prevent Cancer

JAKARTA, - For more of this salad almost become trimmer food, but rich in nutrients and very good for health. These vegetables can protect the lungs, preventing cancer and stroke, keep your hearts and resolve anemia and bronchitis.

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) when viewed at a glance the leafy radish shaped like flowers. Lettuce is the most popular plants among other salad crops. In 1952, the commercial value of lettuce as a vegetable in the United States, surpassed only by potatoes and tomatoes. This plant is estimated to have been started since 2500 the business made last year.

Lettuce plants thought to have come from West Asia. Starting from West Asia and America, this plant is then spread to various countries. Regional spread of lettuce, among others, Caribbean, Malaysia, East Africa, Central Africa, West Africa, and the Philippines.

Further development of lettuce cultivation spread to the countries that is temperate and hot. Some countries have developed and create superior varieties, such as Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, United States, and the Netherlands.

In Indonesia, the lettuce has not been growing rapidly as a commercial vegetable. A lot of areas planted with lettuce is still limited to centers such as vegetable producers Cipanas (Cianjur) and Lembang (Bandung).Lettuce, including families Asteraceae and genus Lactuca. Included in these families is the lettuce leaf. During this and many people mistakenly assume the same salad with watercress leaves, and water lettuce comes from a different family.

Lettuce leaves have a fresh green leaves, serrated or wavy edges, and more delicious eaten raw. Leaf lettuce varieties grown in Indonesia are generally derived from overseas.Smokers Companion, amulet Liver DisordersWatercress is different with lettuce leaves. Watercress comes from the family Brassicaceae and has the Latin name is different, namely Nasturtium officinale. Watercress has the characteristics of hollow rod with oval leaves, stemmed. Origin area is the eastern Mediterranean and the region bordering Asia.

Watercress contains a complete antioxidant components, so as to boost the immune system and detoxify the body of toxins. A study has focused on the anticancer properties of watercress owned, particularly high antioxidant content.

Types of lettuce was also proven to treat tuberculosis, scabies, and is antibacterial. Antikudis quality has been used since centuries ago by using lettuce as a traditional medicine.

In a recent study, indicating the water lettuce can protect the lungs of smokers from the carcinogenic substances contained in tobacco and cigarette smoke. Watercress consumption helps inhibit the formation of NKK, which is carcinogenic substances in tobacco, which accounted for the occurrence of lung cancer, cancer of the mouth, and throat.

This is possible because the water lettuce containing PEITC (phenethyl isothiocynate) that comes out when a leaf is chewed, which is a lung cancer-fighting agent kemopreventif. Research also proves that nutritious watercress counteracting inflammation of the respiratory tract mucous membranes.

In Germany, watercress is used to treat urinary tract infections in children. Lettuce leaf powder used in India as dissolve sputum to treat bronchitis and liver disorders.

In addition, watercress is also dissolve urine, purgative, enhancing stamina. Also useful in overcoming anemia, eczema, kidney and liver disorders, tumors, ulcers, and warts as rich in antioxidants and fitiokimia.In traditional medicine, fresh watercress leaves are used to cleanse the blood and treating patients suffering from chronic metabolic disorder and astenia (weakness). Watercress leaves are crushed and used as a facial mask can be overcome acne, spots, or black stain. @

Good for Pregnant WomenLettuce is rich in vitamin A, C, E, beta-carotene, zinc, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and sodium. However, in some cases, watercress may interfere with persons having severe stomach problems or ulcers.

Like other types of vegetables, lettuce also contains components of good nutrition, especially vitamin A and vitamin K. The nutrient content of each different type of lettuce. Vitamin A content of most numerous in the red lettuce.

While the highest amount of vitamin C contained in roman type lettuce salad. The combination of vitamin C and beta-carotene in lettuce is good for heart health because it can prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.Lettuce is also rich in vitamin K, most numerous in the red-leafed lettuce. Besides helping the process of blood clotting, vitamin K has the potential to prevent serious illnesses like heart disease and stroke because the effect is to reduce hardening of blood vessels by factors such as calcium plaque accumulation.

Lettuce also contains minor amounts of other components, such as vitamin B complex and various other minerals. Roman type lettuce salad consumption as much as 100 grams are sufficient to meet 34 percent of folic acid in the body. Folic acid is a component in DNA and RNA, so it is very important for growth and replacement of body cells are damaged.

Folic acid is needed by pregnant women to cope with iron anemia, as well as reduce the risk of birth defects. Folic acid can also reduce levels of homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is very dangerous for the body because of the potential causes for many diseases, like heart and liver.

Lettuce contains bioflavonoids, functioning much like vitamin C, iemaintain the physical to stay young. In addition, bioflavonoids work to help maintain the strength of blood vessels that are not easily broken. Therefore, the lettuce is very good for preventing stroke.

Beware of SalmonellaLettuce is one of the examples of vegetables that are commonly used as a compiler and a lot of salad as fresh vegetables are consumed raw. Although more enjoyable and has a better nutritional value, consumption of raw lettuce is very susceptible to contamination of pathogenic bacteria.The results of Lund et al (2000) mentions, Salmonella bacteria found in lettuce. Pathogenic bacteria are dangerous to health because it can cause gastroenteritis.

Salmonella causes gastroenteritis characterized by symptoms that typically appear in 12-36 hours after eating contaminated food. These symptoms are diarrhea, headache, vomiting, and fever that can be ended during the 1-7 days. According to Buckle et al (1987), Salmonella death rate of less than 1 percent, but this amount can be increased in children, the elderly, and people who are sick.

Such high levels of danger prompted several institutions engaged in the field of food makes the rules are very strict about the content of Salmonella on lettuce. According to the recommendations ICMSF (International Commission on Microbiological Spesification for Foods) in 1986, the content of Salmonella should be nil (nothing) in a 25 gram sample that was tested.

Meanwhile, according to the regulations the Public Health Laboratory Service (2000) concerning the assessment of microbiological quality of fresh vegetables, is also mentioned that the safe limit is not detected Salmonella in 25 gram sample of fresh vegetables, including lettuce. In Indonesia also required so that the vegetables are eaten raw should not contain Salmonella.

In addition to Salmonella, the lettuce is also easy to find other pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli O157: H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Shigella sonnei and (Lin et al, 2000). Therefore, all people who love to eat raw vegetables such as lettuce should be more careful.

Based on research Susilawati (2002), Salmonella was found in vegetables are always fresh. Meanwhile, Ruslan research (in 2003) showed that Salmonella was always found out of seven times taking samples from all types of processed vegetables.

If you want to eat raw vegetables like lettuce, you should wash repeatedly until clean. Water used for washing should be free of microbial pathogens or microbes cause food decay. In addition, the washing can also be done with a disinfectant such as chlorine.

According to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (2000), a safe concentration of chlorine used for disinfection ranged from 50-200 ppm (mg / kg), with a 1-2 minute contact time. In the United States, the maximum permissible 200 ppm of chlorine for sanitation of fruits and vegetables. When used for washing fresh fruits and vegetables, limit the use of chlorine is 5 ppm. After being washed with chlorine, the vegetables should be washed with clean water again.

Moreover, the process can also be an blansir option. Blansir is a way of heat treatment on material by dipping into hot water or steam at a temperature of about 82-93 ° C. Blansir time varies between 1-11 minutes. In addition, parts of lettuce that is not cool, like the roots and leaves are already starting to rot, should be discarded.

Do not Be Stored Near FruitBefore processed or consumed, lettuce should be stored in the refrigerator. Before storage, the lettuce should be dried first to prevent microbial growth. Better yet if the lettuce wrapped in plastic to prevent contamination.

Storage lettuce should not be too close to the fruits that can produce ethylene such as apples, bananas and pears, so that nonperishable. Lettuce storage time depends on its type. Roman lettuce lettuce can last for 5-7 days, whereas only 2-3 days butterhead lettuce.

To avoid the danger of an unwanted, fresh vegetables such as lettuce should not be consumed in a raw state, especially when presented to the children or the elderly. The cooking process can also kill the microbes that are pathogenic.

Presentation after cooking also can not escape the attention. We recommend foods that have been through the cooking process directly consumed. Most cases of food borne 'disease (a disease that comes from food) in Indonesia caused by handling after cooking is not perfect, such as storage too long.
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