Saturday, October 1, 2016


You certainly familiar with coconut oil. It has been used widely in the world, especially in Indonesia, the benefits of coconut oil for a variety of health problems so global. Not surprisingly, coconut oil is classified as a super food. Because, coconut oil contains many nutrients and minerals that are beneficial to our bodies.

Boost the immune system Other benefits of coconut oil is strengthens the immune system. Certain properties of coconut oil is able to fight the bacteria that cause the infection.  

Lose weight: Coconut oil is considered very effective for burning fat in the abdomen. One tablespoon of coconut oil is rich in certain fatty acids that can burn belly fat. Well, if you want to lose weight, try to incorporate coconut oil into your daily menu.

Preventing heart disease risk Consumption of coconut oil can effectively improve good cholesterol in the body. Additionally, virgin coconut oil is known to have certain compounds that can reduce the risk of health problems. In particular, related to the muscle. Some nutritional products to build muscle, contain coconut oil as an important composition therein. According to some studies, in addition to powerful to burn fat, coconut oil can also speed up the muscle building process.

Preventing tooth decay: Over the past few years, gargle using coconut oil is becoming popular all over the world. Coconut oil is effective for preventing tooth decay. In addition, rinsing with coconut oil regularly can improve the health of our mouth. 

Treating infections: Anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory in coconut oil can be used to treat a yeast infection. Infection is Yeast infections caused by fungi. In addition, the protein contained in coconut oil also speed up the healing process. In fact, prevent infection coming back.
Improves brain function: These super foods are rich in nutrients and fatty acids are known to improve overall brain function. Well, for those who want to improve brain function, include coconut oil in your daily menu.Ilham Pradipta Mulya / intisari-online.comSource: Boldsky
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1 comment:

  1. Coconut oil really useful. Help us in so many ways about health. Please check out this link.


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