Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Apart from mood swings when menstruating women, it turns moments commonly called 'coming months' in women is also associated with an increase or decrease in weight women."Weight loss often change with respect to the menstrual phase. Interestingly, not only during menstruation, but also before and after menstruation, "says Christine Gerbstadt, MD, dietician and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, the Self. 

Christine explained about the four phases of the menstrual need to be understood by all women.


Menstruation; When the body begins to experience a monthly cycle, you may feel cramping, bloating, fatigue, and mood uncertain. The plus side, when the body is actively bleeding, it will spill across the lining of the uterus and prepare for fresh blood cycle. 
Over time, the appetite and the desire to eat, and bloating will disappear. In fact, you are at the lowest weight for one month after stopping the cycle. So, I enjoyed it.

the follicular phase; The follicular phase is the process of egg maturation. In this phase, the body will work hard to naturally choose the perfect egg. This can lead to increased estrogen hormone. Unfortunately, the increase in the hormone estrogen coincided with an increase in weight. In addition, the uterine lining will thicken welcome fertilized embryos. Your body will rise up to 1 kg.

Ovulation Towards; the ovulation phase, you will feel more energized, so does your body. You will often feel bloated, breast began to tighten. It will also have an impact on weight gain. Some women in this phase also exist that require excessive water in response to the hormone.

The luteal phase; The luteal phase is referred to as the time after ovulation. The time when ovulation occurs until the first day of menstruation. At this stage, you will not feel bloated in a few days. But a few days later, you will feel what is referred to as pre-menstrual syndrome.Not just felt surging appetite because your body is preparing for a potential pregnancy, you'll also want to eat foods that taste salty and greasy. This is what will take you on a weight gain of 1 - 1.5 kg.Keep in mind, every woman will experience a different cycle. When you use hormonal contraception, weight gain, however, may be greater.
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