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skip to sidebar - It's not easy to lose weight, let alone defend it. But, if you are already exercising and adjust your diet but still failed to reach the weight that you want, do not immediately feel guilty. Sometimes this failure has nothing to do with your lack of effort.
Apparently, there are certain hormones that play an important role in regulating our body weight. Hormones and behavior are influenced by a particular health condition that makes you struggle to prevent the scales go up.
When your break time is reduced, or not sleeping soundly, you must feel exhausted the next day. Well, this lack of rest time can spoil your healthy eating habits. The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that people who slept only four hours a day for two consecutive nights will increase ghrelin (hormone that triggers hunger) 28 percent, and lowered leptin (a hormone present in the brain that you are full ) up to 18 percent.
Hormone disorder that causes increased appetite, where you can be tempted to eat sweet foods, high carbohydrate, and vegetable refuse. If this condition is still added stress can double the risk, because cortisol (stress hormone) can also improve appetite and encourage us to eat foods that are high in fat and high in calories.
If you feel tired and hunger began to attack, you can still eat, choose the origin of bedtime healthy and able to provide extra energy. The combination of complex carbohydrates and proteins, such as wholemeal bread with peanut butter, could be an alternative. To reduce stress, you can do any sport you like. Yoga and breathing exercises also help.
Outside the hormone, there are actually other health conditions that can affect your weight. You may have heard of metabolic syndrome, which according to the American Heart Association has affected more than 50 million Americans. This syndrome is a set of medical conditions, including high insulin levels, high blood pressure, and fat around the waist, which can increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems.
Increased insulin levels often associated with weight gain, according to Jacob Warman, MD, chief of endocrinology at The Brooklyn Hospital Center in Brooklyn, New York. When they appear together with cortisol, insulin causes fat stored inside the abdominal cavity. These fats can also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
However, never too late to correct this condition, if you want. For that you simply change your lifestyle. Eat a diet low in calories and low in fat, minimizing carbohydrates, and exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week. - When activity in the office was so crowded, and you feel so hungry, then eat with friends at lunch time, you may be tempted to eat as quickly as possible. When you eat while talking, interspersed with the show to share food, you also do not know to "ask for" more food. It was not felt, because it had limited time to make you have to eat faster.
No need to wonder if eating with hasty become a bad habit, according to Sasha Loring, psychotherapist at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina. Eating quickly can lead to health consequences. You become more difficult to digest food, and also tend to consume more calories than needed.
Loring suggested that we should learn to eat more slowly, because it slows the eating process proven to make you full faster. Here's how to change your eating habits:
1. Relax before dinnerBefore starting to eat a meal, take a moment to relax and think about how the level of hunger that can change how fast and how much you eat. Let the other person (whether it's husband, mother, or brother-brother) to fill your plate, and you just pay attention to it. "It only takes two minutes to sit, breathe, without speaking. All you need to just relax," says Loring. "Make sure you do not start eating until you're ready."
2. Place spoonUsually, it takes 20 minutes for our brain to signal satiety. Stick to the rate of change of satiety and satisfaction over time eat the body marks the next step to eat slowly. In between bites, try to put the spoon-fork and delaying the next mouthful. "If you really practice a few times it right, it will happen by itself every time you eat," said Loring.
3. Change your eating patternsWe're actually being flexible. When you eat dinner with the couple at a fine dining restaurant, you certainly will try to relax, enjoy a meal and live musical accompaniment is installed. Compare this to when you eat with friends in a fast-food restaurant, you will adjust myself to eat as soon as possible. These are just two inventions that made Brian Wansink, PhD, director of the food lab at Cornell University, about the invisible things that make up our eating habits.
Try to play soft music while eating, and replace with a smaller plate. "We found that this makes more people enjoy the food," says Wansink. "And if you prefer to enjoy the food, it will slow you down."
4. Turn off the televisionMany of you who are accustomed to eating while watching television. These moving images can distract us, so we eat too fast and beyond the point where we want to stop eating (ie when you are no longer hungry, but not truly satisfied). In order not to disturb the focus of your television, turn off, or move to a place to eat where there was no television.
5. Four first biteWhen you watch television holding his bag of chips, you definitely will not stop snacking until the bag is empty. In fact, our ability to actually taste will be reduced after about four bites. "If you're more hungry, less will be longer, but still can happen quickly, too," says Jean Kristeller, a psychologist from Indiana State University. People who eat quickly, really only want to pursue a sense, though it is not possible, says Kristeller.
To realize that savory flavor that did not last long, try to let the chips that remain on your tongue for a moment. "You can get a taste crispy chips was just the first of four chips," he added.
With the slow process of eating, you will realize that you really do not like certain foods during your probably with excessive consumption. After practice eating slowly, a client Kristeller aware that cookies from her favorite brand was too greasy and too salty, leaving an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Having mastered how to eat slowly, so many people eat less, but more capable of enjoying their food. And this is not because they decided to stop eating, but because tubuhlah which gives a signal to stop. - Many people say, when we enter the age of 30 years, your metabolism decreases. Of course there is a scientific explanation why this happens. But the actual increase or decrease metabolism influenced our everyday habits. When you weight up, chances are you're doing many things that lowered metabolism, and not doing enough exercise to improve it. Here you need to consider:
Lowered metabolism:
Sit. The more often you move, the fewer calories your body needs. As a result, your metabolism will slow down for a while.
Diet. Maybe you think, does not make the body slimmer dinner because there was no food intake. But cutting calories makes your body slow down, and rely on fats (such as hunger). More effective if you reduce only 250-300 calories a day, because it urges the body to remove fat without fear you can not eat anymore.
Aging. Metabolism decreased by around 1 per cent each decade, according to Susan B. Roberts, PhD, of the Energy Metabolism Laboratory at Tufts University, Boston. Based on that, every year at least you must reduce the 10 calories in a day to maintain your weight.
No effect
Caffeine. "Caffeine increased heart rate, which can help burn calories," says Dan Bernadot, PhD, of Georgia State University in Atlanta. "But the increment is small and fleeting, and not a lot to boost your metabolism."
Increase metabolism
Protein. Remember, how the story of Ade Rai who daily ate 10 eggs (egg whites only) to form a body? Protein does help build muscle, and the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism. Among all the calories you consume, try 20-25 percent of it is protein.
Snack. Eating makes your metabolism increases, because he had to burn calories. Therefore, eat lightly four or five times a day is better than a big meal twice daily. Eating four times does not mean eating rice fields, followed by chicken noodle, four slices of pizza, and rice tongseng goat, you know. Remember, what is meant is to eat light and with nutritional balance.
Cardio workout. Exercise makes your heart rate increases will stimulate your metabolism while you do this. You also burn more calories in a few hours after you train, including when you are resting. Exercise regularly can prevent a sense of weak forcing metabolism that occurs when you are dieting, says Kathy McManus, MS, RD, director of the department of nutrition at Brigham and Women Hospital in Boston.
Endurance exercise. Strength training, whether it's using the resistance machines, body weight (such as push-ups or squats), free weights (all exercises that use a dumbbell or barbell), Cables (combination of weight machines and free weights), or tubing (exercises using a rope) , can build muscle. This exercise will burn calories even when you do it while sitting. Of every 450 grams of muscle you gain, you can burn an extra 50 calories per day. You can build the 450 grams of muscle per month if you train endurance of two-three times a week. - While still in 20's, your body weight often fluctuates rapidly. When was already overweight, you rush to diet. We are slim, you return to satisfy yourself by eating good food.
Upon entering the age of 30 annually, this habit is no longer easy to do. Because, basically, what is easy to do at the age of 20 annually, not necessarily effective when you are aged 30 years, 40 years, and so on. You want to know roughly what will effectively reduce your weight at the age of 20 and 30 annual?
Age 20's
"Your body is in 'fashion' build," said Ashley Koff, a registered dietitian in Los Angeles. Applying a balanced diet will make you awake healthy weight, and improve health.
Leave habits in college. New eat at 15:00 o'clock should not be a habit if you intend to lose weight. "Eat every three or four hours it will maintain an optimal metabolic efficiency," explained Stephen Gullo, president of the Center for Health and Weight Sciences in New York.
Buy food via the drive-through also needs to be reduced. That way you will reduce salt, sugar and preservatives while you can.
Select food for energy. Where practical bread eaten when you are in a hurry. However, white bread, or other type of pure carbohydrate, it will be digested quickly, causing blood sugar is unstable, says Joy Bauer, nutrition expert from New York and author of Slim & Scrumptious.
He suggested that in combination with whole wheat protein for breakfast, because protein slows carbohydrate absorption rate. In order for energy to stay awake all day, eat green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, or green vegetable juices. "Kind of this food has a great energy components," said Koff.
Avoid caffeine. We need energy to stay up, you may be drinking energy drinks. Beverages like this basically contain caffeine, although caffeine causes the body to remove the calcium. Calcium alone is needed for bone strength. Therefore, Koff advised to reduce all drinks containing caffeine, and replace it with tea.
Be careful with alcohol intake. Keep beverages containing high sugar, and drink wine, light beer, or liquor that is mixed with club soda in sufficient quantities. Be sure to meet the fluid needs with just plain water, and vegetables or fruits that are high water level. Coconut water is rich in potassium and avocado are also recommended.
Age 30's
Entering the age of 30, you will observe the effects of aging on your body. "As soon as your metabolism slows down, you start to feel the difficulty to lower or maintain weight," said Dr. Mehmet Oz, vice chairman of department of surgery at Columbia University, New York.
Avoid syndrome mothers. That is, you provide yourself as a "trash can" for all the food the child is left, or vice versa, skip a meal because of this need we must come second. If you really feel will not have time to eat, at least bring snacks into the bag so you can eat them on the sidelines of your activities.
Increase energy. When you find it difficult to divide their time between children, work and social life, eating quality carbohydrates and protein will extend the influence of energy, explained Bauer. You can include edamame, red beans, and beans into your diet.
Restore lost nutrients. During pregnancy, your nutritional savings run out. Therefore you need to keep the back healthy fats are nutritious, such as almonds, flaxseed oil seeds, olive, and peanut butter.
Jack your metabolism. According to Dr. Oz, when you have difficulty in reducing excess weight, there are some tricks you can do. "Eating a spoonful of sliced red peppers or green chili peppers can boost your metabolism while you are up to 23 percent. Green tea is also able to increase your metabolism for several hours," he said.
Fish, which is a good source of protein, will burn calories two times more than if you eat fat or carbs.
NEW YORK, - If you want to keep your weight, you can drop the egg as a menu choice at breakfast. Section, high-protein breakfast such as eggs can reduce hunger at the same time prevent overeating at lunch.
In a study published in the journal Nutrition Research, experts from the United States found that men who had breakfast with an egg-based menus tend to eat less at lunch than those who had breakfast with high-carbohydrate menu.
The study reinforces previous studies which stated breakfast with eggs helps reduce calorie intake at lunch time and helps reduce weight by 65 percent. They also proved that an egg breakfast have more energy than when choosing carbohydrate menu.
In this study, researchers from the University of Connecticut compared the two groups of respondents with a typical American breakfast menu. "They were having breakfast with high protein menu will not feel hungry during the day," said Maria Luz Fernandez, PhD, nutritionist, head of research.
Protein is needed because the body can be used as energy reserves if the reserves of fat and carbohydrates in the body have been exhausted. Some of the proteins also stimulate the production of an enzyme that helps regulate muscle contractions and other cell activities.
Nevertheless, a good breakfast menu should also contain carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and not too much fat. - If you ever feel tired and sleepy after eating, maybe there is something wrong with your menu is. So it is no longer interfere with your productivity, choose a diet which releases energy in slowly, thus providing the energy to live a day longer.
Eating right foods is very important, especially when you often feel exhausted due to stress and lifestyle Very busy. Repeated fatigue will become a chronic disease and makes you vulnerable if not immediately addressed. One of the ingredients that you can choose to fight fatigue is spinach.
Yes, spinach, foods that make the Popeye cartoon character to be strong. Spinach is rich in essential nutrients to fight fatigue and help the body's energy at its peak. Spinach is a food that most content rich in iron, magnesium, and potassium. It also represents the main source of B vitamins that improve energy.
Iron has a direct and important role to combat fatigue. This substance is also known as an energy booster, helps deliver oxygen throughout the body, and helps the body to move optimally. Without enough oxygen, our cells can be slowed and even stopped working.
Low iron can cause mental fatigue, as well as anemia. Symptoms of anemia include: tiredness, lack of energy, weakness, difficulty concentrating, apathy, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Spinach and other green leafy vegetables offer high iron, but with low calories. Spinach is also a source of vitamin C, which is not only good for health, but also serves to absorb iron.
Magnesium is one mineral that plays a vital role in energy production. Even closely related to hundreds of enzyme reactions in our bodies, and plays an important role in the cardiovascular system, digestion, and nerve, muscle, kidney, liver, and brain. The presence of magnesium is important for producing energy, healthy digestion and healthy nerves and muscles. No wonder, when we are low in magnesium, brains and our bodies slow down. Even the slightest deficiency can cause lack of energy level, resulting in more hard work your body, thus resulting to fatigue.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency, among others; blood sugar imbalances, depression, muscle weakness, muscle cramps, muscle spasms, body tense, lack of energy, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, confusion, and loss of appetite. Like magnesium, potassium serves to maintain muscle and nerve function. Physical exhaustion due to hard work is the main cause of potassium deficiency, but can also happen if you become dehydrated due to illness or for other reasons. Symptoms of potassium deficiency include: muscle weakness, confusion, and fatigue.
Advised to consume these nutrients every day. If possible, put spinach in your dining menus as often as possible. Try to incorporate these foods into your daily diet as possible, for example, steamed spinach served with eggs in the morning, put the spinach in the sandwich, or as a side dish for lunch, prepared soup at night, and so forth. - Whatever type of exercise, keep in mind that the food they eat can affect your performance in sports. The right foods will add to the energy and nutrients to perform various movements.
Before doing exercise, what foods should be consumed? "Eat food that contains carbohydrates, protein, fat is good for the heart and fluid," says sports nutritionist Christine Rosenbloom, PhD, professor of nutrition from Georgia State University, USA.
Our muscles need carbohydrates as energy sources. Therefore, eating the bread, cereal, pasta, rice, fruit, and fruit and vegetables, is recommended.
Meanwhile, the protein needed to build and maintain muscles and healthy blood cells. "Blood cells are assigned to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the muscles," said Rosenbloom.
Foods we eat before exercise as well as fuel for vehicles. Meanwhile, liquid or water is needed so that the radiator body functioning.
Basically, the recommended foods to be consumed before exercise is a low-fat, containing sufficient calories, protein, low in fiber, containing water, and food type which is commonly consumed by the body so it can be tolerated. - It's not fair, you've been dieting furiously, but the numbers on the scale weight has not also shown weight loss to the ideal number. Meanwhile, your husband last week and said he considered the body of excess 5 pounds, now look slim again. Why men can lose weight easily, while we, who have set the pattern of eating, the body weighed regularly, maintaining the activity, it was difficult to achieve ideal weight?
"One reason is, men have greater muscle mass than women. This helps them burn 30 percent more calories than women," explains Cynthia Sass, author of Your Diet Is Driving Me Crazy. According to him, in general, women have more body fat and tend to keep it biologically. Moreover, man does not need to go through the rise and fall of hormones that is always experienced by women every month. In addition, men also have habits that allow them to lose weight more easily. What?
Far from a "sweet tooth"
A study conducted by Cornell University states that women tend to seek peace on sweet food as an escape from feeling sad or depressed, while men "fled" to the fleshy food. That is, men tend to run to the protein, to make them feel full faster, while reducing hunger at meal time later.
If your weakness is dessert or candy at the sweet tooth, try the switch with the previous protein foods. For example, low-fat cheese with sweet fruit. Or, combine, for example, with chocolate almonds.
Not brought to the feelings
When she felt like a failure would be a thing that happens is a tendency to self-pity. The next step? Finding food for the fugitives. While men, generally they do not lead to trouble or expense to the protracted feelings.
In addition, Pamela Peeke of the University of Maryland School of Medicine said that men generally avoid perfection in order to avoid the pain when things are not achieved. While the woman, who had started the diet would expect perfection from 0 to 100 percent overnight, which is a potent recipe for failure. Advised to expect to reach 80 percent of your goals. When you only target at 80 percent, then you will feel proud when it reached 120 percent, or feel still get ahead when it reached 50 percent. Still be able to forgive yourself when only reached 20 percent when you're entering the period of menstruation.
Lift weights
Most women, when went to the gym tend to exercise power, but some experts argue that women should practice more weights, like men. When the man lifted a burden, he would try to lift the heaviest load and wide, this will help the formation of muscle faster. While women tend to lift light weights only. Try to start using a heavier load and add it when you feel you've got used to the weight.
Not using food as a therapy
Findings from the study at the University of Minnesota, said the existing trend, the woman ran to the food to ease his depression that he experienced. Women are two times more likely to feel depressed than men, which meant two more meals. Even worse, after eating foods such fugitives, a woman will feel guilty of himself, and felt depressed more deeply, and try to overcome their depression by eating more. While men think that the food would not be able to solve their problems, so anything with you.
Eliminate the food habits to escape by trying to assess the desire to eat that you face every time you start snacking. For example, by giving the rating 1-10. Then align the rate with the cause of stress on that day. From there, you'll be able to determine whether you face a sense of desire is true because it was hungry and it was time to eat or because of the desire to escape from a bad mood right? It takes a strong desire and practice to be able to do this.
Remove the sense of anger
This is another reason he is not driving emotion into food storage cabinets. Men tend to engage in physical activities to dispel negative emotions, eg, jogging or create something in the garage. Women? Most will swallow his own feelings, usually assisted by a big box of chocolates. Essentially, when your mood apart, want to be angry, to cry, whatever bad mood, take your body to move, whether it be by bike, walk, whatever.
Time for yourself
Some women feel self-indulgence is to allow myself to eat anything, as much whatever he wants. Starting today, try to take one hour in your day to pamper yourself. Give yourself something that is not in the form of food. For example, go to the salon, or shopping for clothes with a budget that has been determined, of course.
Not submit a favorite food
When a woman dieting, we suppress the urge to touch these foods "forbidden" until we are no longer able to restrain him. In fact, according to Austrian researchers, nutritional approach to the fulfillment of men tend not to difficult and satisfaction oriented. They do not dismiss these foods "forbidden" with alacrity. But, they will tend to reduce them. Meanwhile, according to University of Toronto, she will prevent him eating delicious fatty foods they like with alacrity. Not only are they will tend to be "crazy" and eat too much as if he wanted revenge when it was completed during the diet, but also tend to eat these foods as much as possible before the diet begins.
So, when you will start a diet, do not limit yourself of your favorite foods, only the account portion. If you already know more than one small cup of ice cream is a sign of danger, began to busy myself with other activities is also pleasing to you.
In essence, the reduction of body weight are more likely related to personality rather than ability. Following the man's mindset, at least in this case can help you get the desired body size, plus the women who train themselves to be more in control. - Thank the researchers because they can always find something good (and bad of course) in foods or habits that we do. This was no exception at the sushi.
In America, sushi is often "accused" as foods with high levels of mercury. The New York Times once conducted laboratory tests found so much mercury in tuna in 20 restaurants and shops in the area of Manhattan, New York City. Therefore, it is considered as a type of sushi tuna sushi that contain the highest mercury levels. There is also a guy in Chicago who demanded a sushi bar because he was issued a 2.7-meter long tapeworm after eating raw salmon.
However, this concern is debatable. Many suspected that the problem arises when the fish used in sushi is not cooked. As for sushi with fish that have been through the process of actually cooking a good nutritional value, low calorie, and low in fat. Sushi salmon contain vitamin D, and sticky rice on sushi ingredients provide good carbs for energy.
Japanese food is also popular as a weight loss diet. Elements that provide such benefits is nori, dried seaweed used to wrap sushi. British researchers say that the nori has the potential to reduce the retention of body fat to 75 percent.
The more interesting of these findings, "If we can add natural fiber in the foods we typically eat every day, such as bread, biscuits and yogurt, almost 3 / 4 of the fat contained in food could disappear from our body," said Dr Iain Brownlee, researchers from the University of Newscastle.
However, you need a little careful with snacks such as dried nori sheets that we usually find in supermarkets. This snack is usually already flavored, so it was tasty. Although the shape of thin, you would not have spent so calorie conscious.