To obtain the ideal body are very closely related to your diet everyday. With a healthy diet it will lose weight easier than sticking to that diet. But you also need to know what foods should be avoided or reduced their consumption.
Here are some foods you should avoid or reduce their consumption:
1. Reduce Consumption of Cheese: Perhaps many of us wonder why we must reduce consumption of cheese? Cheese does contain many useful nutrients for the body. But for those who want to lose weight should reduce the consumption of cheese with consume no more than 60 grams of cheese a week.
Every 30 grams of cheese containing 4-7 grams of saturated fat. Imagine if you consume it every day, how much saturated fat into the body? Sometimes we're not aware of many of cheese into the body because there are regular cheese on sandwiches, burgers, salads, pizza, etc. that we usually consume each day. Therefore, ordering a burger or sandwich without cheese could be a good solution.
2. Replace Soft Drink with Orange Juice or Skim Milk
In 1976, soft drinks became a very popular beverage in America and then spread to the entire world. In fact a can of soda has no calories, but a lot of artificial sweeteners. Each 12-ounce sodas, there are around 10 teaspoons of sugar, 160 calories-no other. Compared with milk can help prevent osteoporosis, or juice can help prevent cancer. In a can of soda there are 180 calories in the form of liquid candy.
If you want to reduce calories, drink fruit juice from the fruit of the original course with as little added sugar and Skim milk instead of soft drinks. If you really care about health and your body feels as it's not a difficult thing.
3. Reduce Sodium Consumption: By reducing sodium intake of about 4.000mg per day can reduce the average blood pressure of about 2 points. It is enough to save approximately 10,000 people from a heart attack and stroke. Therefore, sufficient to reduce sodium consumption is sometimes not seen as in French fries, sandwiches, potato chips, cereals, and bread.
4. Wheat Eat at least 3 times a day: By consuming wheat, you'll get more fiber, vitamin E, vitamin B-6, magnesium, zinc, potassium, etc.. Another advantage is the reduction in the risk of contracting diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and thus facilitate digestion.
To consume enough to enjoy a single sheet of wheat bread every day for breakfast menu. Could also be in the form of whole-wheat pasta, whole-grain crackers, or oatmeal alternately every day.
5. More Consumption of Vegetables and Fruit: Heart disease, stroke, blindness, cancer, etc. derived from the lack of consuming vegetables and fruits. Therefore, change your habit patterns by consuming vegetables and fruits. Let's say that by making a salad to be inserted in the main food.
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